
What makes a beautiful politics? My talk at Eyebeam, “Performing Change”, October 2013

Last October, I was invited to talk about “The Art of Performing Political Innovation” at an event called “Performing Change” at the Eyebeam Arts Center in New York City, at the invitation of the Italian artist Paolo Cirio (thank you, Paolo).  Although the video is over 50 minutes, my talks is at the beginning and lasts about 15 minutes.  I try to identify the common features of great art and great politics.  What makes beautiful politics?

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If you want to get into “international relations”, here’s my advice (New Statesman, November 2013)

This is from the New Statesman’s “Guide to Political Studies”.  They asked me what I would say to someone wanting to get into “international relations”.  You can download the guide, including my bit, here.  And here it is in text form:


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Capital Flight and what it tells us about how to address global problems

1.  Rapid capital flight from so called emerging economies like Brazil and India demonstrates the profound and inherent volatility of global financial markets

2. Also shows Minsky-ian nature of markets: speculators get out because they fear others may do so first, creating self-sustaining cycle

3. And it’s not at all clear that tools of international cooperation, including the IMF, are adequate to mitigate this volatility and prevent negative consequences (indeed, there’s a strong argument that IMF prescriptions in eg Greece have made things much worse)

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Cooperative Banking is the Wave of the Future: Ellen Brown

In my Occupy banking group, we are gearing up to launch a fundraising appeal for The Occupy Money Cooperative.  More details about this will appear on this site, and on the Coop’s own site, in the near future.  Meanwhile, here’s a good article from 2012 about cooperative banks – and indeed an incisive critique of contemporary banks – by Ellen Brown.

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